Stretch Marks – My guide to Treating Preventing

Stretch Marks – My guide to Treating Preventing

 Sometimes we don’t even notice them until someone points them out or talk about their stretch marks. For some they can be a bit embarrassing but What can we do about these little lines that seem to cause us so much “shame”.

My Personal choice to Remove Stretch Marks

Vitamin E and Body Scrub – Cost $25 to $150
Vitamin E oil is an excellent source of hydration for your skin. It repairs and prevents skin damage, but it also encourages new skin cell growth. Mineral salt scrub removes dead skin, leaving you smooth and ready for a dose of Vitamin e oil. Not only is this treatment affordable, but it does not require a professional Great to treat and prevent Stretchmarks.

Scrub with an essential oil and salt/sugar scrub every 2-3 days. Don’t over clean as you could create raw patches on your skin. Gently rub and rinse. I recommend doing this in the bath as you can soak up and relax after. It is also great with a bath buddy to help get to all the hard to reach places like back and shoulders. The essential oils will leave you feeling relaxed and moisturized.

Between scrub days, moisturize well after you get out of the shower/bath. I Love using Palmer’s. After years of using Bio-Oil with little results, I’m happy I switched to Palmer’s. My skin feels soft, and my marks lighter.

Drink water! Your skin relays on you to stay well hydrated so it can look its best.

Here is a list of my favorite products I like to use when it comes to treating my stretch marks. Find a list of my favorites by following the link to my Iherb List:

Palmer’s Skin Care

On Amazon lots of best medicines are available.
Palmers has been my favorite product to use for the past year. Not only does it leave my skin feeling silky and hydrated, but I can see a definite improvement in my skin.

Nubian Heritage Body Scrub

Not only do these smell great but they leave you feeling super soft and moisturized.


Currently a top product for healing stretch marks and skin rejuvenation.

Some pros and cons of treating Stretch marks at home:


  • Cheap and affordable with luxury options like essential oil treatments.
  • No professional needed
  • Leaves you are feeling beautiful and smooth



This treatment takes a long time before you start seeing results. It can take 3-6months before a noticeable difference.
Minimal results.

In most cases, it will lighten your stretch marks, but they won’t be gone entirely.

Most stretch marks are natural if treatment starts when they are still fresh (red). Stretch marks can be somewhat prevented by tougher moisturizing your skin daily. Listed below are some more permanent but more costly procedures to get rid of stretch marks.

Laser Treatment – Cost $800 to $2000 for a Single treatment.
Lasering is expensive but usually leaves you with beautiful smooth results. Start by finding a qualified skin clinique that does lased skin repair. They will explain the cost of the procedure as well as how many treatments you might need.


  • Fast Healing
  • Smooth results from the first treatment.


  • Expensive Treatments
  • Painful – The procedure itself can be quite a painful, but healing laser-treated skin is also no walk in the park depending on the intensity of the treatment.
  • Discoloration – Laser treatments can leave you with slight discoloration on the treated area. It does correct itself over time as the skin cells heal.
  • Tattooing – Cost $500 to $1000 for a Single treatment.
  • Tattooing skin tone inks over stretch marks are the latest trend, but it too has its challenges. Tattooing has come along way. Today cosmetic tattooing is more popular than ever before. Some skin cliniques offer cosmetic tattoos, but you should also try tattoo shops that specialize in scare coverups and permanent makeup.


  • Results after the first healed session.
  • Somewhat Affordable


  • Expensive Treatments
  • Painful – Like laser the procedure itself can be quite painful as a needle is used to push the ink under your skin
  • Mismatch – Skintones are tricky. If the process is not done correctly, you could end up with a mismatch of skin tones.
  • Maintenance – you might need a touch up in a few years.

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