10 LCHF Mistakes when trying to lose weight

10 LCHF Mistakes when trying to lose weight

10 LCHF Mistakes when trying to lose weight

Maybe you just started, or you’re not losing any weight on your low carb diet. Heres a list of mistakes that you could be making and that you should avoid making as a beginner.

1. Eating too many carbs

Eating too many carbs per day is the #1 mistake people make who struggle to lose weight on a Low Carb Diet. Some belief that up to 100g carbs per day are eating low carb, but that, unfortunately, is not the case. To get into Ketosis (the state of losing weight) and stay there, a woman should eat below 50g carbs and men 60g carbs per day. If you count your carb and do it right, you will be losing weight within the first week!

2. Scared to eat Fat

Our whole lives, we were told eating Fat makes you fat! Here’s the thing, Carbs = energy, since we have eliminated carbs, your body needs energy from somewhere else, or it will starve so, in this case, Fat = Energy. If you don’t eat enough fats, you will stop losing weight, get hungry, irritated, and eventually fall off the low-carb wagon. Having a big lump of butter in your steak or veg is the best thing you can do for yourself. Stick to Saturated Fat, monounsaturated, and Omega-3 found.

3. Not reading the Labels

For some, it’s an honest mistake, but for most, what they don’t know won’t hurt. WRONG!! Read the labels before you use or buy food products. You need to know what you’re putting into understand what the outcome will be. And make sure the names are Low Carb friendly and stay away from sugar, grains, fruit, and starchy veg.

4. Eating the same meals over and over and.

Meal planning is essential if you are serious about losing weight and keeping it off. Planning and collecting recipes is necessary when you are on a low-carb diet. It will feel less like a diet and more like a way of life. It makes you less likely to cheat and more likely to keep off the weight.

5. Not Exercising

You need to start exercising during and after your weight loss. Not only does it lower insulin resistance, but it will help you keep the weight off after your weight loss as well as tighten loose skin and tone your body. You can follow an exercise routine at home, but for the best results, you should join the gym or pool. It will also help you stay mentally healthy and help you keep the weight off.

6. Sneaky Cheats

You lost loads of weight, and you are so happy you decide to reward yourself with a cheat. Before you know it, you are back to your old habits, and you’re starting to pick up weight fast. Keep track of your cheating and if you must keep it to 1 day a month. But remember that when you cheat, you will no longer be in Ketosis, and it will take at least a week of Low Carb eating before you will be back in Ketosis.

7. Not enough sodium

Sodium is vital on a low-carb diet. Low carb lowers your insulin levels, causing your kidneys to excrete excess Sodium. Not enough sodium can cause mild Sodium deviancy. People who don’t replenish their sodium can suffer from lightheadedness, fatigue, headaches, and constipation. Make some broth and drink throughout the day to replenish your electrolytes. You can put a low carb stock cube in some hot water and enjoy it if you don’t have time to make broth.

8. Being Impatient

Low carb is one of the fastest weight loss diets out there without having to starve yourself. If you stick to under 50g of carbs a day, you will lose weight, but you need to give it time.

Firstly your body needs to get into Ketosis before it starts burning Fat. Ketosis can take at least a week, depending on how strict you are eating from day 1. You will be suffering from ” Carb-Flu”; you’ll be cranky, irritated, and craving carbs. Keep away from the bread and High carb sections in the supermarket during this time. You will be so proud of yourself when the weight starts dropping off.

9. Starting Unprepared

You need to mentally and physically prepare yourself for a low-carb diet. Starting wrong will waste your time and feel negative. Firstly you should set a realistic goal. Decide how much weight you want to lose, print it on a sheet of paper and stick it to the ridge. If you have pictures of your goal weight put those up as well. It will help you mentally focus and stay on your goal. Take before pictures that you can compare yourself to a few months down the line. It’s hard to see a difference in yourself, but others will soon start noticing. Take pictures often so you can compare your weight loss stages.

Remove all the high carb products from your food cupboards and fridge. Don’t throw it away; give it to someone who needs it instead. Keep all temptations far apart, if you go out for dinner to eliminate all High carb options instead of reminding yourself how good you are going to look and feel once you lose the weight.

10. Believing everything the Media tells you

There are 1000s of opinions on low carb diets. Don’t find everything you read or hear. People who don’t understand low carb bad mouth a portion of food that in their eyes are ” too good to be true. “ According to the media, it’s ok to take diet pills because they “work” (sarcastic smile). The truth is Low Carb diets works, but you need to do it commit to it and go all in. Eating clean is the way to go.

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