Photo by Anthony Ievlev on Unsplash

Stevia VS Xylitol

Sweeteners have always had a bit of a reputation, with some saying that going cold turkey on sugar is healthier than using sweeteners. I have never liked the aftertaste of sweeter, so I never used it. But when making LCHF desserts, you’re often left with no other option but to use a little sweetener.  I bought some Xylitol after a reader advised me that it didn’t have the funny aftertaste. I was quite surprised that it did taste a lot like sugar.

A week or so later, I got a scare after hearing of a lady whose dog died after it consumed some of the Xylitol cookies she baked. I have a little pooch in my home, so I decided to look into the matter. I looked into the Pros and Cons of the two most common sweeteners you can buy for home use.

Pros and Cons of Stevia

A herb used as an artificial sweetener for food and drinks.
Stevia does not contain any calories and does not affect your blood sugar levels when consumed, making it safe for diabetics and your waistline!
If your pet were to eat a small amount of Stevia, it would get a bit of an upset stomach but nothing serious.

Some users experience a bittersweet taste when using stevia kind of like Licorice.
If you are on medication for diabetes or blood pressure, you shouldn’t use Stevia as you could develop hypotension or hypoglycemia.
Could cause cramps and bloating.

Pros and Cons of Xylitol:

It’s better for your teeth, fewer cavities, fewer bills!
Made from organic and is relatively renewable plus environmentally friendly.


It is toxic to dogs, so don’t leave anything out containing xylitol that your pets could eat or lick.
It contains some calories making it not so waistline-friendly unlike Stevia
It can cause some to experience bloating and diarrhea.

  1. The thing with pets, especially small lapdogs like Chihuahuas and Yorkies, is that they are like little Vacum cleaners when you are cooking. 
  2. If your pet (dog) was to consume xylitol, take them to the vet immediately!

What Sweeteners do you use, and how do you feel about the use of sweeteners?
Let me know in the comment section below.s