Low Carb Diets, low carb diet plan

   Low Carb Diets and low carb plans

With Low carb diets becoming quite popular, it’s no surprise that more people are experiencing Keto itch. Keto itch or Banting Pox (prurigo pigment tosa)  is an itchy rash that is not dangerous but can be quite annoying. It’s an uncommon skin condition possibly brought on by Ketosis. With the growing low-carb diet community, more people are looking for answers as to why it occurs and how to relieve the symptoms.

What causes it?

There are many theories on what causes Keto itch but do too little to no scientific studies and research available it’s hard to say what causes it or who will be affected.

According to Dr.  Andreas Eenfeldt, the rash usually occurs during the early stages of Ketosis and appears in areas where sweat accumulates.

There is good reason to believe that ketones cause the itching that some people experience in Ketosis in sweat, perhaps as this dries on the body.

   Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt

Some forums have suggested the following also to be possible causes:

Detoxing during Ketosis
Nutrient deficiency
Allergies, fungal infections or histamine intolerance.

Some claim that the rash is a result of heavy metals and other impurities leaving the body. Others suggest it is due to too little nutrients, such as vitamins.


How do you know if you have Keto Itch?  It usually starts a few days after starting a low-carb diet; around the same time, your body would be going into Ketosis.
Itchy red bumps on the neck, back, underarms, torso, hands, and under the breasts. The condition might flareup in hot/warm weather after exercise.

How to relieve or cure Keto Itch:

Increasing one’s carb intake will usually eliminate symptoms after a few days. Some have expressed only suffering from Keto Itch once during their Low Carb lifestyle.
Increasing and decreasing your carb intake to find the perfect balance is recommended.

Symptom Relieve:

Increase your carb intake.
Take Multi-vitamins and Omega 3 supplements.
Take a refreshing shower during hot days to help eliminate excessive sweating
The mist soon after exercise to help reduce the flareup.
Wear breathable clothing

Will I get Banting Pox/Keto itch if I start Banting?

The condition is very uncommon, and only a few people experience it. It suggests that your chances of getting it is minimal.

 Banting Pox / Keto Itch – Low Carb Diet Itch:

Do you suffer from Banting Pox/Keto Itch? By posting in the forums, you will find support and help from others.
Keto Itch is NOT life treating and doesn’t need to mean the end of your Low Carb Lifestyle, but if you are concerned and think that you might have a food allergy or infections, see your doctor.

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